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“I decided to be happy for the rest of my life because it is good for my health.”

- Voltaire

About Life Coaching


“At the center of your being you have the answer, you know who you are, and you know what you want.”

Lao Tzu (founder of Taoism)

There’s something about climbing a mountain or going on a hike that’s energizing, challenging, frightening, and satisfying all at once. Hiring a life coach can feel like this too. Working through a particular issue, problem, or situation in a way that puts YOU in charge may be new for many. You may wonder, “how can there be no one to tell me what to do/what to eat/how to exercise/how to act/what to say to my partner/boss/co-worker/friend?” Chances are someone instructing you on what to do, while perhaps providing initial success, is merely temporary at best. YOU have to live your life. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to work through your individual situation and create solutions that best suit you? As a life coach, this is what I strive to do with you: partner and collaborate together to help YOU create a new path, forge ahead, and climb that mountain! It is breathtaking! Let’s do this together.

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Mountain Path

Stephanie Hutchison

I have been dedicated to the study and practice of being an International Coaching Foundation (ICF)-certified Life Coach for the last several years. Prior to this, my job was to raise 3 children with the goal of getting them to leave the nest; (the world, however, had a different, albeit hopefully temporary, plan). Leadership roles at many levels and for many years during my children’s education kept me involved in multiple ways. BC (Before Children), I was a Marketing Executive, having served in Marketing roles at multiple companies, the most recent being AT&T. I began my professional career on Wall Street. I have a BA from Northwestern University and an MBA from Cornell University.


My interest in becoming a life coach stems from a true desire to help others in their lives. As I have a keen interest and knowledge in all things health & wellness-related, many reached out to me about helping them so they could “do what I do.” While flattered, how wonderful that life coaching is about neither instruction nor proscription, but rather partnering to identify, delve, explore, develop and collaborate together so that YOU can live the life YOU want, not because someone tells you what you should do, but because you have created it yourself! This is exciting!


My Story

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“Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be”

- John Wooden, head basketball coach, UCLA

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I highly recommend Stephanie for coaching. She is extremely personable and an amazing coach. She has the ability to connect with her clients quickly and is a patient and insightful guide with tremendous warmth and enthusiasm. Completely down-to-earth, Stephanie is my number one choice for coaching!

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Life is fulfillment.

Let’s begin …

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